Friday, October 20, 2006

Emerald City Bookfair!

Judith Laik

Jacquie Rogers

Sherrie Holmes

trying to look exceedingly writerly at the
Emerald City Bookfair, Oct. 7.

Whoa! Whodathunk?

And to think, in real life she's a decent, peaceful soul--okay, so maybe she procrastinates a little, but until she gets my book published, I'm not going to push her buttons. After all, I am the star.

But not this day, because these three goofy ladies were signing BLUE MOON ENCHANTMENT. Judith's story is Sentimental Journey, and Sherrie's story is Kissing Lessons. Of course you already know that my scribe forsook (is that a word? oh well, I don't have to worry about those things like authors do) me for a stinkin' mule. A mule! Yes, he's the sorcerer to King Arthur, but still . . . . Oh, yeah, her story is called When Mules Rush In.

You can order the book from Highland Press, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

I hope you do. It has excellent stories from 15 authors, including award-winning authors Dawn Thompson (who wrote the second story, connected to her story in Blue Moon Magic), Deborah MacGillivray, and Leanne Burroughs.

Let me know how you like it!