Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy 2006!

It's about time 2006 rolled in. After all, you can't read Faery Good Advice, in which I star (albeit such a small role for my talent), until the NO LAW AGAINST LOVE anthology is published, and it's coming soon! All profits go to Breast Cancer Prevention.

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We fae folk have a tradition of granting wishes to our favorite humans on New Year's Day. My wish for you is to have a happy, healthy, 2006. Oh, and be smothered in milk chocolate and champagne . . . with a person of the opposite sex sucking your toes. Yes, that sounds quite nice. LadyMacBeth, I wish you luck in your love life.

My blog has only been up a few days and already I've made some great friends. Check out Meagan Hatfield's blog for some fun things to do and see, including a rather nice picture of moi. Mike Flynn's blog is full of, well, full of it. You gotta see it to believe it.

Feel free to ask questions. My advice to the lovelorn is exceptionally sound. I answer any and all question, unless, of course, I choose not to.


Friday, December 30, 2005

The Virgin Voyage

I'm Keely, star of the short story, Faery Good Advice. Now really, a faery of my talent should have had a full-length book but my scribe, Jacquie Rogers, stubborn soul that she is, saw otherwise. So I'm relegated to dispensing advice through this blog.

You can read all about me in NO LAW AGAINST LOVE, an anthology of short stories published by Highland Press. Buy copies for yourself, your mom, your sisters, and your neighbors! All profits go to Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention.

Highland Press
January, 2006
ISBN: 0-9746249-3-4

You'll see that I'm supremely qualified to answer all your lovelorn questions. I'm good with cats, too.
