Friday, March 31, 2006

Upcoming Releases!

And announce her scribe's upcoming releases.

When Mules Rush In features Merlin. You may remember him from King Arthur's days? Well, now he's a matchmaking mule in 1871 Wyoming. His story will be included in the Once in a Blue Moon anthology to be released in May, 2006.

Then, in August, Highland Press will release my scribe's solo anthology, Faery Good Tales. This is especially good news because finally I've been given the headliner status that a star like me deserves. Ten stories of romance, faeries, and of course, moi. I'm the human equivalent of four years old in the first story so my wing etiquette isn't quite up to par yet.

Meantime, please order your Faery Good Advice T-shirts. With a little luck, you might be able to get a Merlin shirt pretty soon, too. Not that his would be as good as mine, you understand, but mine might be a bit too elegant to wear at, say, a rodeo, where they have dirt and worse . . . Let Merlin have those venues. I'll keep to the booksignings and banquets.