Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Single Girls Can't Jump

Dear Fans: (Meagan says I have many fans. She is such a darling.)

Many of you have sent my scribe messages concerning her short story, Single Girls Can't Jump. That's her second story in No Law Against Love. Of course I was first. There's a blurb on the NLAL site if you really must read it. Frankly, I think Shelley Clark doesn't have enough to do. You wouldn't catch me jumping out of a perfectly good airplane!
Anyway, here's her silly cover. So there. Now you can't say I didn't give the wench equal time.

There must be an elf in my computer somewhere. I spent a long time on Meagan's 7 Things . . . many hours, actually, and somehow the computer ate it. I said some very unfaery-like things. But it's gone now. And truly, you know how witty I am.

And all because I wanted to put the last L on Rufus Sewell's name.

It must have had something to do with that three-day-long kiss.

Keely, looking for some elves to mash


Meagan Hatfield said...

Hey, no elf smashing here, I won't allow it!! :-)

Keely said...

Oh, don't be a party pooper. I was just going to rough him up a little bit--no permanent damage. Hmmph.

Elves have no appreciation for the finer things in life, you know.


Keely said...

Of course people will rush to buy Faery Good Advice in which I star simply because I have such a large fan base.

Shelley, though, will need some serious promotion for Single Girls Can't Jump. She takes herself entirely too seriously. Who'd want to read about a star like that? Naturally, being a generous Faery, I will aid her pitiful efforts as best I can.



Meagan Hatfield said...

I know I'd kiss that hunk for 3 days!!

Keely said...

Thank you, Lady Macbeth. Keely's Faery Good Bath Salts sounds quite lovely, indeed. I would sprinkle good luck around the world while you're soaking in a marvelous rose scent.

A rose-scented Rufus Sewell would be nice, don't you think?


Kemberlee said...

I've been reading your advice, Keely. You're so very helpful! I love the idea of Faery Good products. You might want to trademark that before Johnson and Johnson gets wind of it ;-) Good luck with your stories in the anthology. I'm putting my orders in this week!