Monday, November 27, 2006

Faeries do NOT like snow!

I wasn't dreaming of a white Thanksgiving, and we didn't get one, either. But we sure got a white Sunday-after-Thanksgiving!

My scribe's cat, Annie, is plenty mad, too. Very mad. It's not her fault--she told the silly cat that it was snowing, but did Annie believe her? Not. But then cats aren't all that bright, in my estimation. Anyway, Annie yowled and yowled until my scribe finally open the slider for her. Out like a rocket she shot. But then all fours hit the snow, her hair and her tail all stood straight up. Ever so slowly, she turned her head and glowered at us. I'll swear she's been taking Clint Eastwood lessons. So then she sashayed back into the house, lifted one eyebrow chastising my scribe, then went to the furnace room and took a nap. That's where she is now. She won't even speak to my scribe, which upsets her, but I think she's lucky.

We're hoping the snow melts before morning since the only way to get on the main street from our house is by pushing the car. Too steep and not enough traction otherwise. Thankfully, it has quit snowing. Now, even though we're moldy here in Seattle, I'm praying for rain to melt all this nasty stuff.

After all, faeries do not like snow.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Scarlett O'Boa

Every year, awesome author Stella Cameron hosts the Scarlet Boa contest for the best scene. This year, I'm happy to say two of my close friends finaled!

Congratulations to talented author Elizabeth Clements, who took second!. Look for her short story in Recipe for Love, a Wee Dram Anthology from Highland Press.

and . . .

The scarlet boa goes to

Diane Davis White!

Look for her stories in No Law Against Love, Blue Moon Magic, and Christmas Wishes!

Congratulations, Daring Di aka Scarlett O'Boa.

Write on!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006

Romance Readers at Heart reviews Blue Moon Enchantment!

My scribe is a mess when it comes to reviews. Let's face it, authors (my scribe included) want all readers to love their stories, and of course this fervent desire leads to sniveling fits of insecurity. So unsightly and rather undignified, but there you have it. This diatribe is to explain to you why my scribe hopped around the house like a total idiot when she read the review for Blue Moon Enchantment on Romance Readers at Heart.

Special thanks to reviewer Heather Hiestand, who wrote:

Short stories have returned to romance! I adore short stories and had long wondered if they would ever be in favor in our favorite genre. Luckily, Highland Press has been putting out trade paperback volumes of the form, and BLUE MOON ENCHANTMENT is the second in a series about wishing under a magical blue moon (the second full moon in a month).

The stories range all across many romance subgenres, having as their only continuity a wish made under the blue moon, so there is something here for everyone. The authors also vary, from newly published to veterans with multiple full-length novels to their credit. You will meet mules and highwaymen, soldiers, teachers, interior decorators, ladies and widows, through various times and locales, both real and paranormal.

Particular standouts to me were the stories by Jill and Julia, Jacquie Rogers, Judith Laik, Michelle Scaplen, Ann Marie Bradley and Sherrie Holmes, but all of the stories have a unique twist on the influence of a wish-granting moon, and the power of true love.

Heather Hiestand